Tonight when I got home I changed quickly and then headed out with Allison and Eva to the Relay for Life. We’re part of the Sacred Heart Stewards, the team from our church. We got there in time to help do some setup of the tents. Our team had plenty of help and food and friendship. I really enjoy being a part of this team. We ended up raising $525 between the two of us and our friends and family.
I took a bunch of photos throughout the night. I uploaded all of them to Picasa. It is late now, we did a lot of walking, socializing and enjoying being with friends. I am so impressed by the fun things that people come up with for this event. I thought that one of the teams was selling tickets for an iPad but I could not find that team anywhere. I’m fairly lucky winning things online so I figured hey, what the heck.
Speaking of winning things, today we received some Disney Lithographs from Destinations in Florida. |
I also want to point out that I am trying to help Jim Kukral get to 100,000 sales of his book Attention! This Book Will Make You Money: How to Use Attention-Getting Online Marketing to Increase Your Revenue (Aff Link) so please pre-order it today and give him a hand. I want to sell 100 copies of the book for him starting with the one I pre-ordered today.
I am running a Father’s Day Gadget contest. Win a Jawbone ICON Hero for Dad this Father’s Day
Sounds like another successful day. Gratz.
It was a successful day and we ended up raising over $10,000 and so we hit the gold mark.
Hi, I am on the Sacred Heart RFL team. My camera wasn’t working so I was googling for some photos and saw yours. They are AWESOME! I sent Allison an email- I wondered if I could copy the team photo and some of the night photos to my FB. I want to share them with my family in other parts of the country so they can understand what RFL is (and in memory of my dad who passed away from cancer). Would that be OK? Thanks!!
That for the compliments on the photos. Feel free to download any of them that you would like. I think I set them up to be able to be downloaded, if you can’t then let me know. You can also give your family the link directly to my set of photos from the relay, the link is in the post above.
Thank you so much! I’m learning to take better photos, so I really enjoy looking at your photos…