The Relay for Life has ended for another year. I’d like to think that this would be the last one ever because that would mean that Caner was eradicated, but sadly it is not and it continues to hurt all of us. But the Relay was not about sadness, sure there were stories and memories and celebrations to the loved ones who have left us. But there was Hope for the future, commitment to keep fighting. I took a few photos as I walked around the track and as I helped the team tear down our site. Because of my travel I had somewhat limited time at the event itself. About 5 hours last night and 3 hours today. Teams can stay the night and walk all night long. I think that when we participate next year I will take the day off, sleep and get there to do the night shift. Yep, we will participate again next year, Eva was wonderful and all of the little kids and their parents loved having her around. Allison and I raised over $400 between us for the cause. Of course that could not have been done without many, many generous friends, family and the bulk of the donations came from Bloggers. Yes, people who blog casually and professionally give us donations. Some just because, some because of my 35,000 Entrecard giveaway and all because the cause was important. I’d like to thank each of the bloggers for their help.
CyberCelt of Advertising for Success – Cybercelt runs many blogs, I don’t know how she finds the time to keep them all updated and of high quality. She gave us a generous donation and she even took the time to write a post about the Relay for Life. That was pretty awesome.
Stephen the Dog of Stephen the Dog – Stephen the Dog is an old friend of mine. He is one of the most lucrative dog bloggers I have ever seen. If you see an injustice somewhere call on Stephen the dog and like the A-Team maybe he can help. Or at least write a letter.
Christine Murphy of The Passionate Ailurophile – Christine donated to Allison’s efforts and has been a frequent visitor and commenter to this blog and many of my others for quite some time. Christine also has many, many blogs including one of all of her baseball adventures. A Sox fan to the core.
Lisa of The Den of Iniquity – Lisa gave generously to the efforts and was able to snag some entrecard credits and some advertising over on Google is not God as well.
Mike of Host in the Shell – Mike gave a nice donation and even wrote a really nice post about the fundraising efforts for the Relay for Life.
Lisa of Lisa Reviews – Lisa is one of my long time blogging friends and I met her at PostieCon 2007.
Mo of We’re In A Fight – Mo has been a friend of ours since early on in our relationship. She took the time to make two donations to our efforts and we really appreciate that.
Chica of Photo Projectz – Chica told me more about using PayPal for gather donations. Thanks very much for the advice and the donation. Chica has also been known to feature this blog on her Friday Frinks section and that has been great. I appreciate the coverage of this event.
Corrin of Oh Hey, What’s Up – Corrin gave us a great donation and encouragement as well. Thanks so much.
Michael of Fun With Controllers – Mike didn’t want any link recognition but I gave it to him anyway for his awesome generosity. Giving even after all the credits had been given away.
Connie of Brain Foggles – Connie and I had tried to meet when I was last in Florida, didn’t work out. I hope to meet her when I go down for IZEAFest 2008 so I can thank her for the first donation and the encouragement. Thanks Connie.
Eddie Christy of Eddie – Eddie has been encouraging me with comments for a long time. He is even doing his own Photo-A-Day project. He takes some cool stuff. Go check him out.
Kim of Karsun Designs – Kim donated to our efforts and even took my Social Spark Spark and wrote about the fund raising efforts we were doing.
Kathy of Is 8 Enough – Kathy prompted me to think of another way to think of taking donations and that was through paypal. Thanks for the donation Kathy.
Also to our family and friends.
Mom, Jenn, Grandpa Dano and Linda
Also there was Keith of seconds thoughT who wrote a blog post about the fundraising efforts for the SocialSpark, Spark and Joe of Kansans and Friends In Weight Loss wrote a blog post as well, just because.
Thanks very much to everyone and all of there generosity whether it was money, time, encouragement or blog posts. Here are my other Relay for Life photos.
That is so fantastic, how it’s been such a success. I hope to achieve that success should I ever team up with a charity.
You and Allison are the generous ones! Thanks for doing the Relay. My dd’s school raises money for Relay throughout the year on “Ditch the Duds’ Fridays. It was an honor to help you, my friend.
I do hope we’ll be able to get together in September too!
Connie’s last blog post..End of Vacation Bible School
I have no doubt that is you teamed up with a charity you could do amazing things. Especially with your creativity and photography strengths.
With so many charities that we want to help it is hard to choose just one, but the relay is a pretty important one, the other one is Chemo Angels. Allison has been a Chemo Angel for a couple of years now and we both believe in the power of that program.
Hey Drew,
First, sorry I called you Ben in the message. I was having a long day at work when I remembered I needed to donate. Glad you and Allison raised a good amount for the cause, and that I could support RFL since I didn’t participate this year.
People call me Ben all the time, I think it is great, means that my blog is being brand identified or some such marketing jargon. Thanks very much for the generous donation. We really appreciated the help.