Happy Feet was a cute film full of dance and song. It was very popular and so a second movie was made and a new star was born, Erik, the son of Mumble. Erik does not dance but he dreams of flying.
We were given the chance to play with and review a Dancing Erik figure. This is a cute toy that dances, says different phrases and interacts with you. You can set Erik into a few different modes. You can play music from an external source and Erik will dance along. ERik can also respond to your voice and will tap dance when you talk to him.
This toy delighted my daughter. She enjoys playing with Erik and carrying him around, talking to him and dancing along with him as well. Certainly a fun toy for any fan of the Happy Feet movies.
I just saw this on TV yesterday and fell in love with it… Ashamedly, if I get one.. it will have to stay at grammaws house so i can take um care of it, lol yea thats it… hee hee.
You aren’t giving away one of these are you??????????