The other day we took the Sky Ball Football from Maui Toys out for a try. We live near a park that has a huge field. It is perfect for running and playing and having a great time. We’ve gone there a few times to play with toys like the Sky Ball and bat. That was fun because I could hit the ball and Eva would run and get it. It helped to tire her out a bit because of all her energy. I figured that we’d see how far we could throw the Sky Ball Football. The packaging says that it can be thrown up to 75 feet and kicked up to 125 feet. I think you need some athletic aptitude to make that happen though.

I tried throwing it a few times. The ball is light, very light. It is great for little kid’s hands because they can completely grip it to throw. I figured I’d throw a decent spiral with it but ended up just throwing it all wobbly. I did throw it pretty far though. Eva could hold the ball pretty well in her little hands. We’ve been working on her ability to throw things though. She’s still all sorts of unpredictable with her throws. This might be the football to get her started though. I think if we continue to go and play with it she’ll get better at catching and throwing.
Of course, this is coming from a Dad who is not a sports guy. I can throw and catch a baseball, make a basket and throw a spiral but that is about the extent of it. I can give Eva and Andrew the basics, it is going to be up to them to find other sports mentors.
Disclosure: I was sent a Sky Ball Football to try out and review. Opinions about it are 100% my own.