When I was at Toy Fair I got a message from Allison to stop by the Mudpuppy booth. She wanted me to stop by because they carry a bunch of products from Barefoot Books. They also have some other great products and one of those is the Make-A-Mask series. They have six different books of masks that you can create with your kids. We received the butterfly Make-A-Mask book to check out. This is a great product for kids especially if you are having a birthday party and want an inexpensive activity to do with the kids.

Each Make-A-Mask book comes with 20 masks in 4 different designs. The masks come with holes punched on the sides and stretchy strings to keep the masks secured to the kid’s heads. Much better than having a kid stick stickers to their heads.

Eva went to town on these masks. She was making them for herself, for her brother and for her physical therapist. She made them with crayons and markers. I think that a great idea for a kid’s birthday is to get some of those specialty crayon 8 packs from Target for each kid and give them a couple of masks to color in and then set up a photo booth to show off everyone’s fashions. You can save additional money with the discount code of ZZZ2 at checkout on the Mudpuppy.com site and get 15% off any order.

Even my son enjoyed wearing the mask that Eva made for him.
Disclosure: Product provided, opinions are 100% my own.