Each year the first grade at the kids’ school puts on a performance at Mass as several saints. Andrew was Saint Andrew, the First-Called and he nailed his lines like a pro. He spoke loud and clear and with confidence. I am so proud.
I am glad that Andrew went with Saint Andrew because I have always been proud that my name is associated with the FIRST apostle. I always thought of Saint Andrew as this cool older brother who heard the latest rock album and introduced it to his younger brother and that younger brother became a super-fan and prodigy around that music.
But Peter got his start from Andrew who introduced him to Jesus. Let’s face it, Jesus was rock and roll for his time. He was bigger than the Beatles.
So, Saint Andrew is a bit of a man behind the man. I feel like that kind of guy in my life. I’ll promote the heck out of someone I see with talent and sit back behind the scenes quietly. Just guiding people to where they are supposed to be. So, to me Saint Andrew is a guiding force. Helping people chose the right path to be on.
I wikipedia-ed this “The feast of Andrew is observed on 30 November in both the Eastern and Western churches, and is the national day of Scotland. In the traditional liturgical books of the Catholic Church, the feast of Saint Andrew is the first feast day in the Proper of Saints.”
And that my friends is the most I will ever talk about religion here.

And we did get the three Andrews photo. Never pass up an opportunity to have a photo like this taken. It was important when grandpa was alive, it became more so when Andrew was born and there were four of us, and even more so now that Grandpa has passed. And what more fitting day then the day where Andrew was Saint Andrew.