Last night as I drove into work I stopped off at a Dunkin Donuts looking for some Saint Patrick’s Day donuts. They had none and so I was not too hopeful to find them this morning but I was able to find them at one of the newer shops over by Target. I got half a dozen of them for the family before Church. I ate one while waiting for Target to open so that I could go in and pick up the exclusive Jade Flashwing Skylanders figure that was being released today.

Allison actually found this figure back on the seventh but was not allowed to buy it. It seems that someone put the figures on the floor too early and at the register there was a big red warning message to the checkout girl that the item could not be sold. Apparently the 17th was the actual release date and stores all over had released them on the 7th and they could be fined big money for selling it before the release date. She had texted me that she found the figure and then later texted back to tell me that she could not buy it. Frustrating, but I had no trouble getting it today.
After Church we visited with my parents for a little bit and I picked up an old video tape of the family on a ski trip that I’m going to get converted when I go and visit YesVideo in a couple of weeks. It is one of the few videos that we watched often. I was learning to ski and so it was funny.
I got home after Church and added a second corned beef brisket to the crock pot along with another bottle of Killians Irish Red and a bottle of IBC Root Beer and some water. Each year we boil the corned beef in something different, mostly beer but sometimes adding soda to the mix. Then I slept for the day because I had to work tonight.
Got up a little early and enjoyed a visit with our friends Neil and Andrea. They came to celebrate with us and enjoy Corned Beef and Cabbage. Andrea made a gingerbread cake with orange flavored buttercream frosting. IT was very good. The whole meal was delicious down to the Irish soda bread that Allison made as well. And we have enough corned beef left over for hash for tomorrow’s dinner. Yum!
Sounds like you had a fun day! minus having to work
The donuts looks really good!
Having to work is never fun but getting it done over a weekend works for me.