Science School Open House Night 2024

Andy and Eva
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02003

Tonight was Open House for Science School. We got to meet the kids’ teachers and visit the school. Andy’s teacher was very enthusiastic and excited about teaching the kids. He wants to teach the kids to be responsible fishermen and women. The kids will go fishing each day and so far they are having a great time of it.

Eva’s teacher basically just started talking and never even introduced themselves. It was a bit funny. He was very enthusiastic as well. Eva’s class is Earth Science and they are learning some cool things. It also looks like there won’t be any field trips where we need to drive.


We saw theese ducks on the way back to the car after the Open House. This was along the Woods Hole Harbor where we take our yearly photos.

After the Open House we went to Taco Blanco for dinner. We ended up ordering and then taking it home to eat. It was really good food.