Spinning Like the Wide-Eyed Crusader

Photo-A-Day #1665

I’m pretty sure I mangled the lyric of Ellis Paul’s song Blacktop Train but thinking of spinning around on the carousel made me think of the song. That or maybe we’d been listening to Ellis CDs in the car on the way to and from the mall so it was stuck in my head, with mangled lyrics.

Eva had her 2 year check up today and she is 26.10lbs and 35inches tall. She is one mere inch away from being able to ride some amusement park rides all by herself. I’m not sure I am ready for that. I love taking her on rides. I love going on the carousel with her and seeing how excited she is about riding the horses. Tonight when we went to the mall and went to the carousel, as we always do at our mall, I mean why else would we go, she wanted to ride the Black Stallion. This is what we call the only outside horse that is black. As we went around I set the camera to black and white with no flash and on continuous shooting mode to catch us as we spin around. When we were done I shot this photo too.

The Black Stallion

12 thoughts on “Spinning Like the Wide-Eyed Crusader”

    1. Thanks Andrea,
      I loved your shots of Newport, were you guys on the boat? You were real close to the other boats, great job.

    1. Allison,
      Yeah, I looked it up after, should have done that first. It could have been worse I could have thought it was “Village Cheese is not my brother”. 🙂

      I love taking her on the carousel. It is the highlight of going to the mall.

  1. Oh she is growing up so fast! I don’t know if I would want her riding by herself either. I love the black and white photo. Well heck, I like them both. She is just so cute.
    .-= Look at what Deborah wrote blog ..Welcome to FeedBurner =-.

    1. Deborah,
      Thanks, glad you like the photos. I want to stay by her side as long as I can. She already wants my hands away from the reins as it is.

    1. Buck,
      I have no idea, time is flying like crazy. Mall carousels are such a great tidea, they are cheap to ride on and you can keep the kids interested in a trip if you promise a ride or two. We have a frequent rider card that we used up and got a free ride, but that was because Grandpa Dano got a ton of rides for Eva on her birthday.

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