Today’s winner is Ciara of Ciara’s Ramblings and she has won a Sanyo Xacti EC1 Digital Waterproof Camera/Video Camera. IMPORTANT: Watch the Whole video for 3 new ways to enter the contest!
Also I have a contest ending today for a year’s membership to Stepping Stones Together, an online course to help teach children to read. Please enter.
About the prize: I actually purchased this camera a year or two ago to replace my original Sanyo Xacti C4. The first two years of Photo-A-Day Photos were shot on that camera. I used that Sanyo Xacti C4 to record my first episodes of The Wired Kayaker podcast in 2007. So when I got more serious about taking video on the water I bought the Sanyo Xacti EC1. However, I got sponsorship from Kodak in the form of some PlaySport cameras and decided that I no longer needed the EC1. So that is why it ended up in the swag bag. The camera is a decent little gun grip type camera with multiple functions and takes great video in and out of the water.
Winners are chosen with Random.Org

About SwagsGiving!
SwagsGiving is happening each day from November 1 to November 30th. Each day I put up a new SwagsGiving post explaining how to participate. The post will also have an announcement of the previous day’s winner plus what the person won. Here’s the twist. You won’t know what you are winning until it is announced. I have prizes from Seagate, Kodak and Toy State as well as books, and various other prizes. So, here are the rules. Please read the rules carefully and follow them, if they are not followed then your comment will be removed at the time of selecting a winner.
Today is your nineteenth chance to enter to win a prize from my SwagsGiving event. Remember to come back each day to see if you won and to enter for the next day’s SwagsGiving Prize.
There are 5 EIGHT Ways to Enter (Leave 1 SEPARATE Comment for EACH Entry). Each can be claimed daily.
- 1 Entry – Mandatory to Enter – To enter the contest leave a comment on each day’s SwagsGiving post with your guess about what might be in my SwagsGiving Swag bag. Leave this as your FIRST comment.
(If this is not done your entry will not count) - 1 Entry – Leave a comment and rating on my YouTube Video for Today’s Post
(Comment here after you’ve done this.) - 1 Entry – Leave a comment and rating on my Vimeo Video for Today’s Post
(Comment here after you’ve done this.) - 1 Entry – Post either my Vimeo or Youtube Video from today to your Facebook Wall, tag me in the post: type “@Andrew Bennett”. Friend me first so I can see your tag.
(Comment here after you’ve done this.) - 1 Entry – Follow BenSpark on Twitter
(Leave a Comment with your Twitter name) - 1 Entry – Follow SwagsGiving on Twitter
(Leave a Comment with your Twitter name) - 1 Entry – Subscribe to BenSpark’s Personal Branding BootCamp
(Leave a comment letting me know you signed up) - 1 Entry – Tweet about SwagsGiving… something like
@BenSpark is clearing out his Swag Bag. Prizes abound during #SwagsGiving – Enter here
(Leave a comment with a link to your tweet. Here is how to get that link to your tweet)
I will not respond to any comments so that I can run the numbers correctly. Any trackbacks are unapproved while I select the random winner and then re-approved after. Only legitimate entries are counted. You have until midnight EST to enter for that day’s prize. Once midnight EST. rolls around (or as early the next morning as possible) I will close the comments. Each morning at 9:00am the new #SwagsGiving post will go up. The winner will be notified via e-mail and will have 48 hours to reply with a U.S. Mailing address so that we can send the winner their prize. Contest is open to U.S. Only. Prizes will be mailed out at the end of the month. You may win more than once. Please enter every day on the SwagsGiving post for that day. Please only enter once, do not use multiple names to enter. Make it fair for everyone and don’t stack the deck.
I am crossing my fingers that there is another camera and I win it lol. I still think there are some more fun t-shirts too.
I follow BenSpark on Twitter
I follow SwagsGiving on Twitter
I subscribe to BenSpark’s Personal Branding BootCamp
I tweeted!
Wow, so many cool prizes!! Maybe an autographed book? Or another Seagate drive? Can’t wait to find out!
Follow @BenSpark on Twitter (@DebMomOf3)
Follow @SwagsGiving on Twitter (@DebMomOf3)
Left a comment on your Vimeo video (Deb S).
I left a comment on YouTube
Left a comment on the YouTube video too (DebMomOf3 – it said pending approval).
I left a comment on your Vimeo video
I posted your YouTube video on FaceBook!
Holding out hope for the Kodak Zi8 video camera between now and the end of the month!
Also, Drew, in the third new way to win (post video to Facebook wall), you might want to consider spelling your own name correctly so people can find you!
Following @BenSpark on Twitter…
Following @SwagsGiving on Twitter…
What a great prize!! Figures the day when I myself was now under the weather.. Still not feeling well, but this is almost like a group of friends gathering daily to do this.. I think it is just awesome what you’re doing.
I think today’s swagsgiving prize will be a a book and T shirt… Love the dad of the house, the Hubs would love that!
I follow #swagsgiving on Twitter
I follow #benspark on Twitter @bearablescents
wow… nice! Let’s see… could there possibly be a printer in your bag?
tawndam Follow BenSpark on Twitter
tawndam Follow SwagsGiving on Twitter
What a fantastic prize, and I love all your videos. I can’t do one. I stutter too much when I do well not stutter, but a lot of uh uh uh! lol You’re really quite good at it. Anyway, I hope you I know what to do with these extra entries. It’s so neat that you let us win more then once too! This is too exciting. I can’t wait to get dressed, grab my coffee, I tweet your give-away & I’m off to see your video every morning. Oh my, what am I going to do when this is over!??? lol Okay, my guess is a Web Cam. That’s new and I don’t think anyone has guessed that yet. Have a great day!
I follow Ben Spark on Twitter.
I follow SwagsGiving on Twitter.
I tweeted this give-away!/XmasDolly/status/5644660856852480
I subscribe to the BenSparks Personal Branding Boot Camp
I left a comment at your U-Tube video. Not sure what you mean by rating thought.
I shared this give-away on my Facebook. I sure hope I did it right, and I also asked to be friends on FB Marie Chamberlin Moody aka XmasDolly
welllllllllllll,Im hoping you have some more toys an cameras in your bag of swag
Left a comment and rating on your YouTube Video for Today’s Post
I shared the youtube video on my facebook wall,I hope it went okay an sent you a friend request,
Left a comment and rating on your Vimeo Video for Today’s Post
Follow BenSpark on Twitter
Follow SwagsGiving on Twitter
Subscribe to BenSpark’s Personal Branding BootCamp
I follow Benspark on facebook. Cool Giveaways!
woohoo! thanks so much! it’s pronounced sierra, but it’s all good. :o) my girls LOVE to make videos, so i’m gonna let them have it.
for tommorrow’s swagsgiving guess: i’m thinking another seagate hard drive.
i follow @swagsgiving on twitter (@simply_ciara)
i follow @benspark on twitter (@simply_ciara)
i’m signed up for the branding bootcamp
i posted the vimeo video on my facebook wall :o)
i tweeted
left a couple of comments on your youtube video & subscribed to the channel as well :o)
I still think you have more Seagate up your sleeve…
I follow you on twitter: KAM918
I follow SwagsGiving on twitter: KAM918
I am subscribed to Boot Camp!
whew, Joined the Vimeo, made a comment
Well I got the camera thing right on yesterdays guess, not the brand though. Awesome. Today I’m feeling a video game giveaway.
I commented and gave you a thumbs up on YouTube as graywolfpack5.
DARN I STILL CANT WIN OMG i wanted ot win soo bad,,….. x.x sigh ummm. maybe a shirt is next idk
im fallowing ben spark
on the bootcamp
fallowing swags giving
i liked the youtube vid
i liked the vemo vid
i tweeted!/thekarlpost/status/5464479215128576
ur face book page is glitched i cant add u so heres a like to the fb post
I left a comment and rating on your Vimeo Video for Today’s Post as Jeff Legg
I Follow BenSpark on Twitter as @graywolfpack
I Follow SwagsGiving on Twitter as @graywolfpack
I Subscribe to BenSpark’s Personal Branding BootCamp at
Follow and tweeted!/graywolfpack/status/5727537246248961
I follow @SwagsGiving as @CatPurry
I follow @BenSpark as @CatPurry on Twitter
I tweeted about Tweet about SwagsGiving!/CatPurry/status/5733081709289472 Here’s hoping I win one of the great swag gifts @BenSpark is giving away tomorrow.
Is it tickets to Disney?
follow u on twitter @Nightowlmama
following Swags giving @Nightowlmama
Shared the Vimeo on Facebook, but cannot figure out how to doa tag on a video? Ive tagged photos? but not videos
Gave the Youtube video a Thumbs up
Commented on the youtube vid. That’s the camera you used at the Hot Dog Truck-cool camera!
hmmmm-lots of cool technology the past few days…. I am betting tomorrow’s give away will be a book.
Commented on the Vimeo vid too!
Watched youtube and left a comment (keriberi18)
Man.. I keep missing out on the gadgets… ok, I am hoping for more gadgets tomorrow! Something uber cool!
Following you on Twitter
Following Swagsgiving on Twitter
Subscribed to the bootcamp!
Tweeted –
Left a message on youtube!
Left a message on Vimeo!
Just linked your youtube video on facebook… you are thinking of it all in this month’s contests… very cool!
I commented on the youtube!
I posted your youtube video on facebook:) I tagged you appropriately!
Mo, how do you tag a video? I cant figure it out?
I left a comment on Vimeo
My guess for today is a box of cereal. (Linger longer…)
I follow @Swagsgiving on Twitter as @motarpey
I follow @BenSpark on Twitter as @motarpey