I’ve been 3D Printing anything I can search for. Eva has been working on some Pop Tab chainmail for a while now. I keep every pop tab that I come along. She’s got a ton of them now. I saw that people had made some 3D printed chainmail so I figured I’d try it out. This is a very small sample print because I had attempted a much larger print and it failed. As it is this did not work as I would have wanted it to work. It was too fragile. But it moves around in a really cool way so Andy claimed it.
Recently I’ve been printing with multicolor filament. I purchased a 4 pack of filaments that each had multi colors. Red/Blue, Green/blue, Red/Yellow/Blue and Red/Green/Blue. I’ve used the Red/Yellow/Blue to make the Axolotl for Andy and I used the Green/Blue for the steampunk octopus for me, but which was claimed by Andy. So Andy has been benefiting from my continued printing endeavours.
I’m very happy with how this Axolotl came out. It was a very long print and maybe I could have made it print quicker but it was very well done as far as quality. I think the next thing that we need to do is learn how to make our own models on the printer. We’ll be learning from the programs at TinkerCAD to get the basics down.
While the printer has been doing well my house decided that it had been quiet for too long and the pipe near the street backed up and I had to go on poop cleanup patrol tonight before work. Rather gross. Now I definitely have to dig up around that pipe and get it ready to be replaced.