Tag Archives: ABD Karate

Eva Earns Her Red Belt in Jr. Krav

Red Belt for Eva
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01269

Today was graduation for America’s Best Defense. We had our stripe tests earlier in the week and today in the Krav classes we did some fun things like rolling out of a headlock. I unfortunately hurt my back on my partner. I could not finish class after that. I had to stand off to the side with an ice pack. I’m not sure how much I injured myself yet but will get it looked at.

We went to Eva’s class which was at the regular time and she received her new rank at the end of class. I am so very proud of all the hard work that she has been doing in Jr. Krav. She is looking fierce.

We did not attend the graduation for Andy because he was not graduating and I messed up and had the times wrong. I think he was fine with it either way. We are learning more and more that he does not enjoy karate. He’s going to be taking the next two months off and when he comes back he’ll go back to karate for a few months and when he turns 11 he’ll start Jr. Krav. He says that he is excited about that.

Stripe Test at ABD

Eva demonstrating a roundhouse kick
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01267

Today was stripe test at America’s Best Defense. I had mine in the morning and it was tough. Eva and Andy had theirs in the afternoon. We were able to have Mimi and Dano along to see the kids take their tests. Eva even got asked to demonstrate with Mr. Brochu and she did a great job. Her kicks are phenomenal. I could only dream of being able to kick that well.

Andy did a nice job on his test as well. We know he is not thrilled about karate but he did his best.

After classes Mimi and Dano took Andy and me to Briggs for dinner and Allison and Eva went to their sewing class. We had a nice meal together and then headed home.