Tag Archives: #ad

Score #BigGameTreats with my SNICKERS® Waffles – #Ad

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #BigGameTreats #CollectiveBias

#BigGameTreats Snickers Waffle #Ad #CollectiveBias - Hero Image

For many years we would watch the Big Game with my family. Rooting for our favorite team while enjoying some fun food and funny commercials is the best. Now I work on weekends and so I celebrate with my co-workers with food, hearing about the game from online updates and searching online for the commercials. I like to give my co-workers something fun and new to eat each year and this year I decided upon something waffle related. This year I’m making SNICKERS® Waffles for everyone to enjoy. What goes into something as epic as SNICKERS Waffles? Read on. Read on. Continue reading Score #BigGameTreats with my SNICKERS® Waffles – #Ad

Who is Excited to #OwnTheGalaxy? Guardians of the Galaxy on Blu-Ray Tomorrow

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #OwnTheGalaxy #CollectiveBias

#OwnTheGalaxy #CollectiveBias #Ad - Guardians of the Galaxy Releases on DVD and Blu-Ray on December 9 2014

One of my all-time favorite movies came out this past year and it was Guardians of the Galaxy. I loved everything about this movie including the Guardians of the Galaxy soundtrack, which is one that we play often around my house. I have a pretty unique experience with this movie and that is why I love it so much. I was lucky enough to attend a press tour in California to see the movie weeks before anyone else. I also had the opportunity to meet the cast and interview them. I got to shake hands with Drax, Dave Bautista, and sing with Groot, Vin Diesel. It was amazing and I couldn’t stop talking about it when I returned home. Which was good because my kids kept asking me all about the movie and their favorite character, Baby Groot. They just love the Baby Groot dancing clip. I am once again excited because tomorrow Guardians of the Galaxy is being released on Blu-Ray/DVD/HD and I can #OwnTheGalaxy. You can order the movie, soundtrack, toys and so many other Guardians of the Galaxy products through the Walmart website. Continue reading Who is Excited to #OwnTheGalaxy? Guardians of the Galaxy on Blu-Ray Tomorrow