Each year the first grade at the kids’ school puts on a performance at Mass as several saints. Andrew was Saint Andrew, the First-Called and he nailed his lines like a pro. He spoke loud and clear and with confidence. I am so proud.
I am glad that Andrew went with Saint Andrew because I have always been proud that my name is associated with the FIRST apostle. I always thought of Saint Andrew as this cool older brother who heard the latest rock album and introduced it to his younger brother and that younger brother became a super-fan and prodigy around that music.
But Peter got his start from Andrew who introduced him to Jesus. Let’s face it, Jesus was rock and roll for his time. He was bigger than the Beatles. Continue reading Saint Andrew on All Saint’s Day →

Photo-A-Day #3496
When you are coming off a long weekend of working overnights, getting little sleep you need a little heavenly help. Luckily today was the All Saints’ Day Mass at Eva’s school. It was also Grandparent’s Day for the First Grade. Eva went as Saint Bernadette of Lourdes. Allison knit her the shawl. The skirt came from my mom, as did the small bottle of holy water from Lourdes. Eva is wearing a Saint Bernadette necklace and has some Saint Bernadette medals sewn into one pocket and a rosary in the other. She had been practicing her lines all week long and she was ready.
The Mass was a very nice one even if I wanted to completely pass out like Andrew did. I didn’t want to miss anything that Eva was doing. she had a few sentences to speak about Saint Bernadette and she did so well. She was the most clear speaker of her class (in my opinion) and got her whole set of lines correct. We were all so proud of her.
After the Mass we went downstairs to the Church Hall for some snacks and Eva showed us a picture that she drew of Saint Bernadette. I love to brag about my daughter, she is just so talented but also compassionate and smart.
One Family's Adventures in the World