Today Allison, Eva and I went up to New Hampshire. Eva stayed with our friend Sherrie while we went to a funeral. We were there for the funeral of Allison’s friend Tina. Tina was a very sweet woman who went to Saint Paul’s School with her. When we lived in New Hampshire we saw her more often but Allison and Tina wrote to each other when they could. Her passing was unexpected and very sad. Hearing more about her life through her husband was so touching and sweet. We are so sorry for Tina’s family’s loss.She will be missed. Continue reading Back to the Hilltop
Tag Archives: Allison’s Friends
Road Tripping: Perkins, Zetas and Wedding

Photo-A-Day #2024
Yesterday I talked about Allison and I taking a Chevy Tahoe Hybrid on a Road Trip from MA to PA. Chevy provided the vehicle for us to test out. But I didn’t really mention why we were going where we were going. We had lots to do and only one day to get it done. So, after a fitful night of sleep… I’m figuring that my OCD spent much of the night trying to arrange and categorize the thoughts of my ADD because I woke up tired. And we had an hour and a half drive to get to our destination.