Tag Archives: Amazon.com

Win an Amazon.com Gift card by Completing this Survey

Back in December I was approached by Vicky Kidby of Vsententia’s Blog. She is a student who is working on her BA in Advertising and Marketing Communications and she’s including this blog in her dissertation. I’m pretty honored that she’d like to query the readers of this blog for their opinions.

The survey is pretty simple to fill out, there are not too many questions and you could Win a $20 Amazon Gift Card (You will have the opportunity to be entered into a prize draw to win a $20 Amazon voucher if you enter their email address at the end of the survey). The survey is about blogs so if you read this blog you should be pretty familiar with blogs. So I am hoping that everyone who reads this blog will take 5 minutes to fill out the survey and help out Vicky. Click Here to take survey

Vicky is also looking for 5 people to take part in one on one interview either via a telephone or online, and if you are one of those people who take part (it will last no more than an hour), you will receive a $20 Amazon Gift Card. I am hoping that this community and I feel that all the readers of BenSpark.com are part of a community, will step up and help out Vicky.

Thank you,


Photo-A-Day #684 02/21/07


I realized today that I didn’t show you my haul from yesterday’s outing at the Hasbro Toy company. I picked up 4 transformers that I had been waiting to get. And the funny thing is that today Hasbro sent me an e-mail (I’m subscribed to their online toy store) with a message that Transformers are on sale for up to 50% off until March 11, 2007. The prices still don’t beat the ones I got at the actual company. I’m very excited about the figures. I love the whole Classics’ line and wish that there were more of them. I hear that at this year’s convention the molds that are being used are the ones for the Classics.

So I am venturing into new waters. I have started another blog. This one is called The Wired Kayaker and I will be creating an outdoors and technology blog. One of the reasons I am doing this is because I would like to get into podcasting and video podcasting and this blog really isn’t the forum for that. I also wanted to blog about the things I love in a more specific way. This blog is a mass of everything that I have coming at me and is mostly pop culture and Photo-A-Day. Flatwater was going to be my kayaking blog but I turned that into a bookstore of sorts with an affiliate membership with Amazon.com. Now it is a listing of the things I want to buy on Amazon.com as well as the current books I am reading.

Another reason I want to do The Wired Kayaker is so it would force me to get out on the water more this season. I plan to try and get out each time I am on the Cape and try to get out and explore new places. So check it out when you get a chance. It is brand new.