We really enjoyed watching Walt Disney Studios’ MALEFICENT when it came out years ago. It was such an interesting take on the story of the character. It made us see things in a much different light. I learned the other day that production has begun on Walt Disney Studios’ MALEFICENT II. Below I have all the information on the cast and mouch more. However, no release date at this time. But, you know that as soon as I hear I’ll let you know. Continue reading Walt Disney Studios’ MALEFICENT II has Begun Production
Tag Archives: Angelina Jolie
Maleficent Looks to be Wickedly Fun

A new Poster for Disney’s Maleficent has been released. Angelina Jolie looks amazingly wicked as Maleficent. I am looking forward to this movie very much. I love having stories that I grew up with retold in new and interesting ways. That is, as long as it is done well. And judging by the trailer and the teasers I believe that this movie is going to tell an amazing story. Take a look at it and then read the press release below