Tag Archives: Annual Company Picnic

The Return to the Company Picnic

back to the MEDITECH picnic
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01321

It has been a couple of years since my company has had a picnic. The pandemic shut it down for two years and this year things began to start getting back to normal. It was a more stripped down version of the picnic but in all I really liked it. It did not seem as cramped as it had past years and the weather today was fantastic. We got here right at the start of the picnic and went right for the fried dough. This year they even had fried Oreos as well. We tried two of them.

fried dough and fried oreos

this was the very first time I had ever tried Fried Oreos and they were delicious. I love fried dough but adding an Oreo to the middle of one of these was a great addition of a chocolate taste to the fried dough.

rock climbing

We gave Andy the run of the place. He wanted to try out the rock climbing and so he did that right after the fried dough. He did okay but did not get all the way up. He’s shown interest in learning how to rock climb and so we are going to get him to a rock climbing gym soon. He’s going to have to try hard if that is something that he wants to learn.


Andy also went on many of the rides. He loved the swings and he had a lot of fun making different faces and poses at us each time he swung back our way. He’s a character.

cotton candy

We headed home a couple of hours after we had gotten to the picnic. We had done all that we had wanted to do while there. We had eaten all that we had wanted to eat, too. Lots of treats for everyone. It was nice to get back to the picnic.

The 50th Company Picnic

at the picnic
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00223

Today was the 50th annual company picnic at work. This was my 18th one and it was the best day weather-wise of them all. It wasn’t too to, rainy or muggy. It was perfectly warm with a slight breeze all day. The sky had big white clouds and blue skies as well. We could not have asked for a better day.

We started our day off with our usual routine. Every year we have fried dough for breakfast. This was the first year that Andrew ate the whole thing himself.

Breakfast of Fried Dough
Breakfast of Fried Dough

After our breakfast we picked up the gifts and then I ran back to the car with them while Allison and the kids waited for the bungie bounce. You can see from the image above that Andrew was big into doing flips while Eva was quite content to bounce up and down without any flipping.

The special Sandcastle
A company sandcastle

As it was the 50th anniversary of the company picnic they had a very special sandcastle made. It was very detailed and nicely made.

Lobster for lunch.

We did a few more things and then decided to have lunch. One of the biggest highlights is lobster. This year I got three of them and prepared them for Allison and I to eat. They were very tasty.

The Giant Slide

After lunch it was time for the rides. The kids are getting bigger so a lot less of the kiddie rides and more of the bigger rides like the giant slide and carousel.

Eva on the carousel
Eva on the carousel

The last thing that we did before we left was stop by the pony rides. Both kids loved it.

Eva on the Ponies
Eva riding on the ponies
Andrew riding the ponies
Andrew riding the ponies