Photo-A-Day #4070
Today was the annual Kid’s Fishing Day at Uncle Howard’s Sportsman Camp. Last year was their first year and Eva won for largest fish the girl’s category. This year Andrew won with the smallest fish. A 4 1/2 inch sunfish or bluegill. I forget. Both kids had a really nice time with Uncle Howard. It is his favorite day of the year. He loves fishing and the kids so having both together was a day for him in his glory. He was excellent and patient with the kids. Way more patient then me. Both kids were very good and they picked up fishing quickly. They were excited to use the poles that they got from last year’s event.
I had to leave early and I completely passed out when I got home and only woke up when Eva shook me at 5. A quick dinner and then I opened a box of new TMNT 2 Toys from Playmates. I’ll do a full unboxing of each of the toys on Monday. For now you can check out the video and then more photos after that.