Tag Archives: Aquarium

Pucker Up

Photo-A-Day #3737

Allison is down the Cape now and she and I took Eva to Science School today and we also took Andrew along. We dropped Eva at school and then went to find a parking spot. Andrew was tired so he was not being too cooperative. We went over to the aquarium. He didn’t want to go. However, when we got there he forgot that he didn’t want to go and enjoyed watching the harbor seals swim all around their tank. He seemed to lose them the moment either one went under the water however.

Inside the aquarium there are some tanks that have species of fish that are native to Cape Cod or invasive species that have been found here. I never knew that the lionfish made it all the way up here. Seems like they would be a more tropical fish but they can survive in these waters and apparently have no known predators but they prey on 50 species of fish native to New England. The aquarium has a tank with them in it.

The fish in the picture is the oyster Toadfish because when it hides it looks like an oyster. The tank this guy was in was full of them, mostly hiding out in pipes. This guy kept coming closer and closer to my camera.

Break in the Heat

Photo-A-Day #3030

There was a break in the uncomfortable heat and humidity. Unfortunately, that came with wind and rain. Fortunately, we were down the Cape and had the chance to go over to Woods Hole and check out the Scientific Aquarium. It is a nice little aquarium with harbor seals out front and many tanks within. The tanks contain species of fish from New England. Eva was so excited to be at the aquarium. She showed us all around the place and then showed us the touch pool upstairs. Starfish and Sea Stars are some of her favorite ocean animals. Continue reading Break in the Heat