Photo-A-Day #3852
I spent a day at Epcot Center with my friends Maureen and Peggy in the morning and then in the afternoon I caught up with my pal Daniel from Dadtography.com.
I spent a day at Epcot Center with my friends Maureen and Peggy in the morning and then in the afternoon I caught up with my pal Daniel from Dadtography.com.
Today started with a trip to Providence for National Hot Dog Month. We stopped at Olneyville N.Y. System for some hot do… whooops, hot wieners. Olneyville is famous for their hot wieners and hot wiener sauce. The most popular wiener is what you call an “All The Way”. When you order an All The Way wiener you can expect, mustard, hot wiener sauce, onions and celery salt. It was a great stop on the tour. Continue reading Visiting an Icon and an Iconic Visit