Tag Archives: Baby


Photo-A-Day #2765

Andrew is searching for something. Something to soothe him. Something to play with. Something to say. He’s been working on vocalizing every day. He has “Dada” down pat. He’s been saying pretty much just that for a few months now. We keep trying to have him repeat Mama but no dice, nor Eva nor anything else specifically. He’ll say “dat” or something similar, he’s starting to get some of the sign language things down like “More”. We continue to work on his language skills so that he can communicate more with us.

That being said he’s been very tough at night. He gets up many times each night. The only thing that is soothing him is to feed. Rocking him makes him inconsolable. I pick him up and rock him from side to side and talk calmly to him and he just pushes and cries and screams. I try as hard as I can to remain calm and soothing until it is just too much and I have to put him into his crib and walk away. I love the kid so much but he’s just so up and down. He’s either fun loving and happy or crying and screaming his head off. We haven’t had a decent night’s sleep in over a year. But we certainly love him.

mygofer can Help with your Newborn Baby Needs

Having a newborn can be overwhelming. You get no sleep, there are ointments, diapers and all sorts of things that your new baby needs. Any little thing that can help you keep your sanity is so important. Picking up supplies or having them delivered can be a lifesaver. That is what mygofer does. Mygofer is a lifesaver. You can easily shop for all of your baby needs online and have them delivered right to your door or pick them up in store or even at the curbside.

I’ve used mygofer a number of times at my local Kmart. We don’t have the delivery service in my area but it is available in many other areas. Even being able to place the order online and run to your local Kmart and pick up that order is much better for parents with limited time than going in to shop. Shopping alone takes a while but if you add children to that mix the time increases exponentially. With lack of sleep and frayed nerves any help you can get to keep your precious time and fraying fragmented mind is welcome. So, imagine all of that time that you spend shopping in the store being used for playing with your child, cleaning the house or getting that much needed sleep.

Below is an interesting infographic for parents of newborns. Continue reading mygofer can Help with your Newborn Baby Needs