Tag Archives: Band

Contest! – Because Pop Rocks

*Contest Ends 03/19/10

I don’t think that I’ve ever been more excited by what a band has done to music in my entire life. Yesterday I was listening to Mike Schmidt’s 40 Year Old Boy podcast (wicked funny but foul mouthed) and he mentioned a band called Rock Sugar. I’m pretty sure these guys just changed my musical life forever. The band, Rock Sugar, has created mashups of pop and rock songs. For instance this was the first song I heard and it totally sold me. It will sell you too.

Continue reading Contest! – Because Pop Rocks

Who Do You Love? The 6.0 Boys

Photo-A-Day #1757

Today was the annual Sales and Marketing Kickoff. It is one of the best days of the year for me because I’ve been able to control the goings on from the auditorium soundbooth. I enjoy being in charge of technical stuff and making things flow along smoothly (at least the video stuff). The guys ion the U2 photo above (U2 photo because the band U2 does not look at the camera in their band photos) are Damian, John, Steve and Drew. These guys re-wrote the song Who Do You Love as well as 867-5309 to play live at the kickoff. This group of guys have so much talent. They received a standing ovation after their performance. It was awesome.

Continue reading Who Do You Love? The 6.0 Boys