Tag Archives: Basement

Organizing with Desktop Brother™ P-Touch® Labeling Systems

My Brother P-Touch PT-D200

Ever get so stressed out that you can’t find something that you know is in the house? You remember putting it somewhere but you have no idea where it is and where you “think” it is happens to be the last possible place it could have been. I don’t know how many times I’ve torn through the house looking for something important while getting annoyed and frustrated that the thing I was looking for could not be found. Then one day when I don’t need that thing, there it is. Hair pulling frustration. When something like that happens it is a tipping point for me to get organized. Continue reading Organizing with Desktop Brother™ P-Touch® Labeling Systems

The Future Man Cave

Photo-A-Day #2265

Today I delved deep into into the cleaning of the new house. I figured that with anything you’ve got to start at the bottom and work your way up. So I started in the basement. I took the shop vac over and some brooms. I swept and swept then began vacuuming the cobwebs and lots and lots of mouse poop. The basement was pretty well cleared out but there were a ton of poison traps and regular mouse traps all over the place. I took all of them down and found a couple of petrified mice. That was a bit gross but the worst was when I had clean and swept a whole area and then knocked a poison trap off the rafter and BAM! Mouse poop everywhere. More sweeping and more vacuuming. Continue reading The Future Man Cave