Photo-A-Day #4372
Today was Andrew’s graduation to the orange belt in Karate. He’s been taking Karate since August. This was his first big graduation. The last graduation was held at the karate studio and was a smaller event. Today there were many more kids and families at the graduation ceremony. There were demonstrations from the higher ranking kids and what they could do was pretty incredible.
In this ceremony Allison did the parent part. I like how they do this. One parent sits with the child and gives them their belt. The child gives the parent a small ribbon the color of their new rank in a symbol that earning the rank requires a team and not just a single child. After the child receives a rank or stripe or anything new they go to their parents and give them hugs and thank them for helping them with their achievement.

Andrew is now going to be one of the highest ranking kids in the group of white, yellow and orange belts. Sensei took him aside the other day and told him that he will be moving up and when he does he will have to be a leader and an example to the younger kids. I think that this is going to be really good for him.
Tonight we were having dinner, Andrew and Eva had been watching Go Noodle during the day and they learned about beatboxing. Because of that we had some silly moments and I was able to pull an April Fool’s joke on Eva. I talk about it in today’s video.