Tag Archives: BIG AZ Chicken Sandwich

When You Have a BIG AZ Appetite, Reach For A BIG AZ Burger

This is a sponsored blog; while the views expressed here were genuinely mine, consideration was paid to me by BIGAZ Burgers to review this product

That is a tasty BigAZ Burger

My one big cheat, guilty pleasure, favorite food is a cheeseburger. I cannot resist them. I love them with pickles, onions, ketchup, maybe some jalapeños, some spicy pepper relish and so much more. when there is an interesting cheeseburger on the menu I am all about trying it. So, when I was asked to participate in this promotion for BIG AZ burgers I couldn’t say no. The pull of the BIG AZ Burger was too strong.

No matter who you are, what you do, or when you want to eat, it’s good to know there’s a BIG AZ burger in just about every convenience store in the country! That’s right, I didn’t misspell the second part of that word, I wrote “AZ”, not the three-letter word. I’m not the only one saying it — go check out http://BIGAZ Facebook Page there’s lots of people talking about their BIG AZ.

My BigAZ Burger Time

Working overnights each weekend has had its challenges to having something hot and tasty at say, 2:00am. Nothing around is open and you are just craving sustenance. There are many times when I’m sitting at the computer and taking calls when my stomach starts rumbling and I feel the call of a burger. I know that my appetite is going to be satisfied with a BIG AZ burger. I tried all three of the flavors that were sent to me. They were: BIG AZ Cheeseburger, BIG AZ Kickin’ Jalapeño Burger and the BIG AZ Country Fried Chicken Sandwich. Any one of these would make a meal. They are huge.

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