The other day I received a package of Johnsonville Smoked Sausages.
“Big deal Drew you are always talking about Johnsonville, what is so great about these sausages?”
Well, they are pizza flavored and they are delicious. That is the big deal. The smokes sausages are filled with Italian cheese, tomatoes and spices. The flavor is incredible. Continue reading Food Review: Johnsonville Smoked Pizza Sausage →

Photo-A-Day #2560
This morning Eva and I went over to the Capron Park Zoo. We first stopped at the playground and she had the run of the place for a while. She’s getting so much more sure of herself and is able to climb around on the playground very well. She met a little boy named Lucas and they played together all over the playground and then we went into the zoo with he and his mother. The kids got along very well and they had lots of fun. Continue reading Swingtime and Shadows →
One Family's Adventures in the World