Tag Archives: Birthday

Photo-A-Day #639 01/07/07

This Wednesday is Allison’s birthday. Tonight she came back from PA and we had dinner with with Mom and Dad, Tara, Erik, Grandma and Grandpa B. And as a special surprise Allison’s mom came down for dinner too. We had meat pie and meatball sandwiches for dinner. We had a very nice time tonight.

Allison’s trip back from PA was uneventful, which is good, her bags will most likely arrive by Tuesday. SouthWest was going to FedEx the bags to her location in PA, so that they would arrive on Monday. They were supposed to call her but they did not. So when she called them they told her that they were shipping the bags back to where she had been staying she got them to send them to the right place. What a nightmare pain in the butt this has been for her.

I also took a few more pictures tonight.

The tree is still up, trying to capture the action in the room.

Taylor is a sweetie.