Tag Archives: Brews

You are Sociable and Entertaining

You are Sociable and Entertaining

You are Sociable and Entertaining

I like to think of myself as sociable. I spend time meeting people online and I also take that offline and meet people. Earlier this month I put on Blogs, Brews and Belly Laughs and met some very interesting bloggers, some whom I had spoken with online and some I’d never met before. Being sociable isn’t too hard for me. I really enjoy it. However entertaining, well, I’m not too sure about that.

Are you Sociable?

Being sociable online takes time. Sure you can hang out on twitter all day and RT tweets from other bloggers. However, do you take the time to visit other blogs and leave comments. For me comments are the single largest measure of whether or not my blog is doing well. If people take the time to leave me a comment on a post then I know I made a connection. If you are going to be sociable online then you are going to need to make the effort and make that connection with other bloggers and also your regular readers.

Do you respond to your comments?

Do you take the time to engage those who took the time to connect with you? Responding to comments is something that you can do easily. In my daily routine I get a comment I respond immediately. Don’t let the comments back up either because once you engage your readers you need to stay engaged.


I don’t think that I am too entertaining. I’d like to be more entertaining though. I’m thinking of taking the plunge and attending and participating in the Speed of Thought Players: Scary & Fast comedy workshops. We’ll see.

Wondering where the FortunateBluFrog Is?

Every Fortune can’t be about the Frog man, gotta give it a rest once in a while. But the frog is not gone. Just missing today.

Traditional Media embracing New Media

In case you missed my post about being Frontpaged by my local newspaper about Blogs, Brews and Belly Laughs then here is the article, which you can also read here.

I’ve been seeing bloggers in the news lately and it looks very much like Traditional Media is listening to New Media and learning a thing or two.

Traditional Media is finally getting on board with New Media. The latest darling of Traditional Media is New Media star Twitter. Twitter is the subject of news broadcasts. Twitter is being used by everyone from Ellen to Projo.com to get the word out and interact with people. Being a user of twitter for a while now I find the whole Twitter love lately pretty funny. However the Twitter backlash is even funnier.