Tag Archives: Bunch o’ Balloons

Raising a Scientist takes a Village

Eva and her mentor - Auntie Tara
Photo-A-Day #4137

Today was Eva’s Open House at the Children’s School of Science in Woods Hole. This is Eva’s second year in the program. Last year she did Seashore Life and this year she was part of Animal Behavior. Eva had a great time these past three weeks. Doing Science School in the middle of the day, enjoying afternoons at the beach and going on Cape Cod adventures. Eva is with her Auntie Tara. Tara is her mentor and hero. They have a very special bond together and Eva is so excited to spend time with her whenever she can. We are deeply indebted and grateful to Tara and Erik for Science School and Eva’s love of Science. This love is constantly cultivated within the family and we can see how Eva is growing in her knowledge and enjoyment of Science.

The kids in the car

I hope that Andrew will follow along in Eva’s footsteps and those of Tara, Shelby and I. We all went to Science School and being there today brought back many fond memories. I was in the photography class and today got to hit the Dark Room and that was some place that I spent a lot of time in.

Also while there I decided that I would try and do some sort of Annual Photo of the kids at the Science School. I should have done it last year but didn’t get the chance. There is this cute piece of playground equipment that looks like a jeep. I figure that it may be around for a little while and I’d get the two kids in that jeep every year to see how they grow and change.

We were actually in Woods Whole twice today. We went to pick up Eva because Tara had to prepare for the Open House, because she is one of the teachers – she does Microbiology. When we picked up Eva we went to Coffee Obsession, or rather Coffee O. We got some drinks and some cookies to share. It was a nice treat. Then we went to the aquarium and Eva was over the top excited about the aquarium. She was watching every fish, pointing them out and identifying them. I was videoing the fish to make a video set to music later. We’ll see if that works out or not.

Our visit was a short one because of parking and the like, I also had to get home to write up my post about our epic 500 balloon, Bunch O Balloons Water Balloons fight. You can see that and our daily vlog on this post 500 Balloon Water Balloon Fight with Bunch O Balloons

500 Balloon Water Balloon Fight with Bunch O Balloons

Our Bunch O Balloons Products

We received a sampling of great Bunch O Balloons products for free from ZURU. They are for us to play with and review and give our honest opinion on them. There was one product that we were not able to use because that will be saved for another day, we need a pool or lake or something to use that one, it fills using water around you and then you can use it as a water blaster.

In addition to the water balloons sent to us from Bunch O Balloons I went out and purchased 3 more packages. I even got the Red, White and Blue Target exclusive ones. I meant to use those on the Fourth of July but we never got a chance.

I was trying to make this a surprise for the kids but they already knew about it. I did manage to keep them in the house while I filled 500 water balloons. Then I hid them all over the yard. The thing I love most about Bunch O Balloons is that they solve two major problems with water balloons, filling them and tying them. The balloons are self tying and you can fill over 30 in one shot, 100 in 60 seconds if you are quick about switching them out on the hose. I should really try and do that sometime, do filling races with Bunch O Balloons. That would be fun.

Sneak Attack

Once I had all the balloons filled and hidden around the yard we came out and had a water balloon fight followed by the rain while we picked up all the pieces. There are a lot of pieces with 500 water balloons. While they are biodegradable you still have to pick them up. Also the devices for filling the balloons are recyclable, I’m happy about that.

A package of 100 balloons is $9.99 and the balloon launcher around $12.99. I forgot the retail on the toy that you can use to fill the Bunch O Balloons without a hose.

You can enter to win $2500 from Bunch O Balloons for your Epic Water Balloon Fight just make your video and tag it with #BOBSecretWeapon and #BunchOBalloons. Follow this link for rules – http://bit.ly/BOBVideoContest

I don’t know if we can submit our video but the fight was pretty epic with 500 Bunch O Balloons Water Balloons. Take a look.