Photo-A-Day #3229
Eva celebrated 100 days in school and to do so she had to bring 100 things into school. Allison has a few jars of buttons that she got from her grandmother. They are in mason jars and are displayed on our hutch in the dining room. Eva got to pick through them and count out 100 different buttons. Then she brought them in and had them weighed. She had fun picking out all of them.
I don’t know who else has 100 days celebrations coming up but this post has some fun ideas on how to celebrate. Celebrate the 100th Day of School with PEG + CAT.
We received a My Image Button Maker to try out and review. Eva helped me out with this review and our opinions are 100% our own.
The My Image Button Maker is for ages 8 and up but honestly it is so simple to use that Eva had no trouble. The only problems that she had were with the fine motor skills of lining up the pictures and then having the strength in her hand to push down the lever to cut out the pictures. Other than that she understood the concept easily, was able to snap together the buttons once the photos were cut out and she did try to put on the sticky magnets but wasn’t careful and accurate enough so I re-stuck them. She did have a lot of fun and so much so that when we were done with our review I immediately went onto myfbm.com (My Friendship Bracelet Maker) and reordered supplies to make more image buttons. Continue reading Review: My Image Button Maker from Choose Friendship →
One Family's Adventures in the World