Tag Archives: Card Game

Review: Swish Jr. from ThinkFun

Swish Jr.

The other day Allison, Eva and I played a couple rounds of a new card game called Swish Jr. This is the Jr. version of the popular game from ThinkFun called Swish. It helps challenge players to think in new and different ways. I sort of think of it as a low tech Tetris sort of game. Each card is transparent and has a couple of symbols on it some are outlines and some are solid. Your job is to take as few as two cards and as many as 9 cards to stack so that the images form a swish, named for a basketball going through the net without hitting the rim. So, a Swish is formed when every symbol in the stack of cards you select to make a Swish has a solid image on top of an outline and vice versa with every symbol in your stack matched. Here is a video of how the game is played.

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Give it Forward: Funnybone Toys: Array

Array Box Art

I’ve been on camping and hiking trips with my Aunt and Uncle where we pass the time at night playing card and dice games. We have often learned about fun new games from them and in the case of Array, it is our chance to return the favor and introduce family and friends to this fun card game.

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