Tag Archives: Cereal

Win a Bathtub Full of Cereal…

and help a family in need. Ted Murphy of IZEA as well as Ted.me has come up with a really wacky idea for a contest/charity event. Ted will give away 52 boxes of the cereal of your choice, enough to fill a bathtub, if he can get 500 unique comments on his post about the contest. Ted went all out here with a video, promotional pictures of himself in the tub as well as setting off another word of mouth firestorm.

Win a bathtub full of cereal

I really like the crazy things that Ted comes up with, the guy has tons of great ideas and he just goes for it. I am very excited about this event because I love Cheerios and so does Eva. 52 boxes for me and for a soup kitchen is a great idea. But don’t worry you won’t be seeing me bathing in Cheerios anytime soon. Not like this.