Photo-A-Day #3734
Today Eva started Science School in Wood’s Hole. About 30 years ago I was a student at the very same school. I took photography, Illustration and Fishes and Fishing. These were great classes taught by fun and enthusiastic teachers. I was a lucky kid and those sorts of experiences were important. I may not have totally appreciated them at the time. Having to leave the beach and my friends and having to drive over to school in the middle of the day, not fun for a young kid. But then the experiences are ones that I will always look back on and appreciate.
I am at the Cape with the two kids and coming off of a full night of work and an empty night of sleep. I got home, loaded up the kayaks and drove to the Cape with Andrew and Eva. We got to the house and unloaded then Eva had lunch and I took her to school. I got out with her so that I could take some photos of her and got this one of she and her teachers.

I then found a parking spot and plunked in $2.00 in quarters so I could park. I walked around Wood’s Hole. I had my camera with me and took a bunch of photos. I wandered in and out of places and shot images. My favorite was of the boat from today’s Photo-A-Day. I just loved how it looked all worn with flaking paint. The color just spoke to me. I continued walking around and decided to have lunch at Fishmonger Cafe. I had the Whaler. A fried Cod sandwich., It was delicious. When Allison comes to the Cape (she has a few days to spend with her girls) then we’ll probably go and bring Andrew with us, visit the Aquarium and do a few more things.
All day my Dad was building a playset for the kids. All by hand, all unique and really fun for the kids. He put in swings and a slide so far but he’s also putting in a rock wall and we were discussing what to do with the bottom part of the climbing platform. Sandbox, playhouse? Who knows. I also suggested that he put a ship’s wheel on the platform so that the kids could pretend to be pirates. We just happen to have on of them that has been in the garage for years. The kids are loving the playset.

We had a nice night with Shelby and her kids plus Mom and Dad. I took the kids to the beach after we had gotten home from Science School. They were playing in big waves together. It was super windy and they had a lot of fun. Everyone went done easy at bedtime. I went to bed before 9pm and was passed out almost immediately. The Cape Air, nothing like it.