I’ve been reviewing the products from the Choose Friendship company for a few years now.Eva loves making bracelets and buttons and a bunch of other things. I just learned that a new product is now going to be available at Kohls. That would be the My Friendship Bracelet Maker Traveler. Check out their latest blog post all about this new product being now offered at Kohls.
Tag Archives: Choose Friendship Company
Review – My Image Bracelet Maker

I have to start opening the boxes of review items that I get, out in my garage. Eva knows that she is going to help me with the reviews and she wants to do them immediately. I like to save certain ones for rainy days. That was the case with the My Image Bracelet Maker from the Choose Friendship Company. We were sent the item to use and review. Here are our 100% honest opinions on the product.
Each of the Choose Friendship products that we have used, the My Friendship Bracelet Maker, My Image Button Maker and now the My Image Bracelet Maker have been very impressive in the design of the product from the standpoint that the whole product is self contained. I love that I don’t have to store the materials to make the bracelets or buttons in separate containers, they can all be stored in the product itself. Continue reading Review – My Image Bracelet Maker