Tag Archives: Christmas Choir

Eva’s First Choir Pagent

Photo-A-Day #3539

Eva has been in choir practice this year and the culmination of that all that work happened tonight. We went to the church to see Eva and her classmates as well as kids from every class at the school. The third grade dresses up and acts out the nativity story while the choir sings. Eva has been so excited for this night for such a long time. I’ve been excited as well because I have picked her up for most of her practices and I’ve caught snippets of the kids singing. I couldn’t wait to hear everything all together.

We actually went to the Mall before the concert/presentation to pick out our Christmas presents to each other. Allison and I decided to get new phones as our Christmas presents. I went with the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 and Allison went with the iPhone 6. Mine was in stock so we set mine up but Allison’s was on back order so that would have to be mailed to us. She’ll get it by Friday.

When we got to the church it was packed. We tried to get as close as possible to see Eva but it was for naught. So, I ended up just photographing other people’s kids for them instead. I’d get a photo of Eva afterwards. She was so happy once the presentation was over and had such a wonderful time.