Tag Archives: comedy

Hasan Minhaj Comedy Night

Comedy Night
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Tonight Allison and I went to see a comedian that we both very much enjoy. He started his comedy tour tonight in Providence and will be taping a special later on during the tour or at the end , I’m not sure exactly when. Hasan Minhaj was the host of a show called The Patriot Act on Netflix and we really enjoyed it. Then it was cancelled. Then he did a guest spot on The Daily Show as a guest host for a week and we’d love to see him take over. He did a great job on the show and the comedy show tonight was so much fun. We were laughing so much. There were no phone allowed at the end and definitely no photos so we took this selfie in the parking lot of the mall before we walked over the The Vet.

Comedy with The Janitor with Stamina

With Jimmy Cash
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Tonight Allison and I went to Foxboro to the Comedy Scene to see a comedian that we learned about from Tik Tok. Jimmy Cash goes by the janitor with stamina on Tik Tok and he brought his brand of humor to The Comedy Scene. I had caught one of his uploads last week where he mentioned that he’d be in Foxboro so I looked it up and got tickets for us to go. The Comedy Scene is inside Helix entertainment an eSports Lounge.

At The Comedy Scene

There were five comedians. There was the emcee and three comedians that performed before Jimmy did. I enjoyed our emcee very much because he brought up some great nostalgia comedy. the other three comedians were not that great, some laughs but mostly uncomfortable silence. Jimmy was a lot of fun, he was the reason that people were there. The crowd was made up of many teachers and school people along with a couple of retired janitors. After the show Jimmy was by the door to greet everyone and take photos. Allison and I were lucky enough to get out first and chat with him a bit.

Andy Rock climbing

For Andy’s rock climbing class today we were joined by my mom. She wanted to see how Andy did at rock climbing. I think she was pretty impressed with how strong Andy is and how well they do at rock climbing.