Tag Archives: Contest

House of Jerky Giveaway Contest!

Two weeks ago I received a package of tasty treats from House of Jerky. And with the help of Janie from HouseofJerky.com, Scott from Scotty Snacks, Samantha from That’s What Sam Said and I are rocking it out with a Beef Jerky Give-A-Way for the all of you! If you haven’t heard of House of Jerky then chances are you haven’t tried their beef jerky yet – we all hope to fix that, right here and right now

The Scoop On House of Jerky:

After (having the privilege of) trying the House of Jerky Jr. Variety Pack which, mind you, includes 10 amazing flavors. I took the original jerky with me on my kayak trip a couple of Saturdays ago and it was delicious. I also enjoyed the black pepper beef jerky during our trip to IKEA. I can affirmatively confirm that the jerky is both delicious in taste and perfect in texture.

The House of Jerky website is filled with some tasty delicious jerky. They even have a Jerky of The Month Plan whereby you can keep covered in goodness for the month, on the regular! Check them out at HouseofJerky.com (and even connect with them on Twitter @HouseofJerky) – tell ‘em BenSpark sent ya

Alright, So How Does This Beef Jerky Give-A-Way Work, Already?:

To participate is super simple – simply leave a comment stating what type of jerky you would want most from House Of Jerky – Beef Jerky, Buffalo Jerky, Venison Jerky, Ostrich Jerky or Turkey Jerky. Then, on This Friday May 7th, a handful of persons will be randomly selected to receive a Free House of Jerky Sample Pack of their choice jerky! Pretty easy, right? Let’s do this.. Submit Your Entry

Results of the GiSTEQ PhotoTrackr Mini Contest

The winners who will be geotagging their photos around the globe have been chosen.


Those winners are

Dad of Divas


Trisha Lyn Fawver

Dan Cornett

Each winner was contacted via e-mail for their mailing addresses and have 48 hours to respond or forfeit the prize. Thank you everyone who participated in the contest. If you were not a winner of a GiSTEQ PhotoTrackr Mini they are easily obtained at Amazon.com for $59.00.

Winners were chosen using Random.org. I took everyone’s entries (one entry per line) and put them on a list, randomized the list 4 times with Random.org and then used the random number generator to select the four winners.