Tag Archives: Cooking Catastrohpe

Brownie Bowls – Nailed It

Photo-A-Day #3834

Bownie Bowls

Have you ever seen something on Facebook that someone made and figure that you could follow those easy steps and do it yourself? I saw a video of someone who made brownie bowls by placing a cupcake pan on top of another cupcake pan. So, I tried it. I greased the pans like crazy and they should have come apart with no problem but there were tons of problems. First of all, I must have put too much batter in the cupcake tin. The batter overflowed and dripped onto the bottom of the oven. I scooped it out with the grilling spatula but knocked some underneath and it caught fire. I shut off the oven so it would burn out and then started it back up. When the brownies were finished I figured I’d let them cool a bit before separating them. That was a mistake because I waited too long and while they would pop out of the bottom cupcake tray they would not come off the bottom of the top tray. I managed to mangle them all and we ate the crumbs with our ice cream. It still tasted good, but I would have liked to have gotten this right.