Tag Archives: Cousins

Crazy Cousin Time

Cuddly Cousins
Photo-A-Day #4676

I went over to my parents’ house to celebrate my mom’s birthday, which was the other day. My sister, Shelby, came down with the kids for a visit. Andrew enjoyed getting some time to play with is cousins. He loves them so much. He loves getting time to play with those kiddos.

After our visit we went to KC’s Classic Burger Bar to enjoy a nice meal. Allison and Andrew went over first and I arrived with Eva later. Eva just started a new round of her theater class today and she was so excited. I’ glad that she felt better today and was able to go to school and didn’t have to miss out on her first class. When I picked her up she was so excited about everything. She was giddy and bouncing all over the car as we drove to KC’s. Dinner was delicious.

We got home and were met by our neighbor, Tim. He helped me for a while yesterday with my snowblower and the stuck shearing pin. There was nothing that I could do to take the pin out. So, he brought over is drill and drilled out the whole pin so we could put the new one in. Now, the only thing I need to do is fix the pull start that I broke last year.

Kylie’s 3rd Birthday!

Birthday Bash
Photo-A-Day #4553

today was my sweet goddaughter, Kylie’s birthday. I got home from work and crawled right into bed to get as much sleep as I could before 1:30 pm where I’d get up and drive to my sister, Shelby’s house. The party started at 1 but I had to go late just so I could get some sort of sleep before the party. Balancing things on the weekends is a bit tough. I’ll surely be tired tonight but it is worth it to be there. The kids had fun together. At the end of the party both Eva and Andrew were riding bikes with their cousins. Kylie and Dylan are much more comfortable on bikes than Eva and Andrew. However, I think that Eva and Andrew are about ready to get some decent bikes to ride. I know that they both are big enough for the Mobo Cruiser and I will have to gt Andrew out on that again soon.