Tag Archives: Crafting

App Alert: Craft an Amazing Superhero in Playworld Superheroes

Playworld Crafting Station

Did you ever pretend that you were a superhero? Maybe you tied a dish towel around your neck and jumped off a wall while pretending to be an epic hero. Did you have your own superhero that you created from scratch? Maybe you created a helmet and armor from cardboard. If you ever dressed up and played pretend superhero than Playworld Superheroes is the app for you and your kids. I was given a code for the new app, Playworld Superheroes, released today, so that I could play it and review the app. Opinions are 100% my own.

Playworld Crafted Suit

In Playworld Superheroes you choose your avatar from many different kids of both genders and different ethnicities. Your avatar then finds a treehouse in an abandoned lot. The treehouse is the base of operations and also a place where your avatar can craft their various parts of their super hero costume, tools and armor. Your avatar crafts and creates their character from different items that they find around the abandoned lot. As the avatar builds their costume they open up portals into Playworld where their cardboard and recycled materials costume becomes a real superhero costume. In Playworld the avatar can fire blasters, fly and have super strength to save the world from some aliens called Golumites. Continue reading App Alert: Craft an Amazing Superhero in Playworld Superheroes

Closeup on Beads

Photo-A-Day #3569

Eva decided tonight, about 15 minutes before bed, that she wanted to get out her Circle of Creativity and do a craft. Well, she didn’t end up doing the craft but instead I set up the strings for her to make a special friendship bracelet. She’ll probably end up making it another day.

I had to take my photo of the day and some shots for the Imagelogger program so I took out my macro lens and took a bunch of shots of the strings and the other things in the creativity box. I liked how the beads looked with the light from my Kick.