Skylanders is the game of choice in my home. We’ve completely finished collecting all of the Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure figures. Now I’m getting very excited about the next iteration of Skylanders, Skylanders: Giants. I got some great info about the game including some photos of some of the brand new characters. Out of the characters I’ve seen I’m pretty sure that Chill (pictured above) is going to be Eva’s new favorite. Continue reading It is Almost Time to Chill with Skylanders: Giants→
I woke up today to find out that Allison and Eva had gone to Target and while they were there they found two new Skylanders. They found the witch doctor Double Trouble and the dragon Cynder. So we are now up to 24 Skylanders characters with eight left to find to complete our set. At this point there are 32 characters to collect and this fall when the next game comes out there will be about 20 or more new characters. Continue reading Skylanders Double Trouble and Cynder Found→