Tag Archives: Dancing

Hip Hop Halloween Preview

Photo-A-Day #3490

Tonight we got to go see Eva do a preview of her Hip Hop dance class. She was super excited to have all of us there to see her performance. She is enjoying hip Hop very much. She does like to jump around and express herself. We were more than happy to check out her fun performance.

Eva’s Recital 2013

Dance Recital - Eva - 2013
Photo-A-Day #2984

Today was Eva’s Dance Recital. She has been working very hard this past year on ballet and acro. She has excelled in ballet and her teachers have told us how well she has been doing. She certainly enjoys ballet and acro but ballet is her dance, she has been doing it since she started dancing. For Ballet she danced to The Lonely Goathearder and for Acro is was Sea Cruise. Continue reading Eva’s Recital 2013