Photo-A-Day #4338
I woke up to the sad news of Bill Paxton’s passing. I’ve enjoyed him in so many things over the years. He was in everything and always a welcome performance. I especially liked him in Twister, Weird Science, Tombstone and True Lies. He will be missed. One of the roles that he had was on Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and with the recent developments on the show it opened up to him possibly returning for a guest spot.
I found a few things at Walmart today. A couple of Marvel LEGO sets including the Ravager Attack Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 set. I also grabbed the Mighty Mini set with Iron Man and Thanos. I did a speed build of that set.
I was surprised to find a Hot Wheels Character car for a DC character that I really liked, Cyborg. It is a shiny chrome truck and looks awesome!