Tag Archives: Dinobot

Swoop Doing Hamlet

Photo-A-Day #2013

You know I love Transformers. They are my favorite toys ever. I recently found this one on sale for $7 at Walmart. This size had been at the price point of $9.99 for a long time and then got bumped to $11.99. Just a little too much for a small toy like this, $7.00 is a much better price. In the Transformers Animated series. This was the best Transformers cartoon series in a long, long time but wasn’t well received because of the style and look of the animated characters, which is stupid because they were great and the toys were awesome. So I got this one of the three dinobots that were actually in the show. The other two were Snarl (triceratops) and Grimlock (Tyrannosaurus Rex), I don’t think I have those other two and will keep my eyes open for them. Continue reading Swoop Doing Hamlet