I’ve got some fun new Zootopia clips to share. Each one is pretty funny, I especially liked the visuals for the Have a Donut clip. I was looking through the voice cast and I didn’t realize the people who were in the movie but I did see something cute. Alan Tudyk voices a weasel named Duke Weasleton. If you recall the movie Frozen there was the Duke of Weselton and there is a joke in the movie where someone pronounces it Weasel-ton. I like how that joke gets turned into another joke in Zootopia which is even more funny because Alan Tudyk voiced the Duke of Weselton, too. Here are the clips.
“Meet Clawhauser”
“Have A Donut”
“Assistant Mayor Bellwether”
More about Zootopia below. The movie will be released on March 4, 2016. Continue reading Three new Zootopia Clips to Enjoy