Disney Infinity came out yesterday. I have not yet received my review copy of the game but am eagerly awaiting the arrival. I stopped over to Target yesterday and picked up a couple of power disc packs. This video is of me unboxing them. I also picked up a power disc portfolio so that I can keep all of my power discs from wave one organized. Below is the complete list of regular wave one power discs, there are some additional ones out there like Mike Wazowski’s car.
Continue reading Unboxing Disney Infinity Power Discs and Power Disc Portfolio →

Image provided by Disney Interactive
We are now less than 20 days out from the release of Disney Infinity and while the search will be on for characters to play with in the game’s Play and Toy Box Modes there is something else that will enhance gameplay and that something is the power discs. I just received a press release detailing the 20 power discs that will be in wave 1. There are even 3 Rare Hexagonal Discs. Some discs power up your figure. Some give them items or vehicles to use and some change the look of the terrain. There are so many possibilities and combinations for you to use in the game. Check out this fun trailer of the different things that power discs can do.
Pretty fun, huh? I thought so. I’m really looking forward to playing this game when it arrives. I’ll be telling you all about it, too. Below is the full reveal of the power discs from wave one. Check it out. Continue reading Wave 1 of Disney Infinity Power Discs Revealed →
One Family's Adventures in the World