Before a few months ago I had no idea who Mo Willems was. We were sent three of his pigeon books and now, he’s one of my favorite children’s book authors. He’s funny, whimsical and has a fantastic illustration style that is simplistic yet conveys so much. We recently went to the Eric Carle Museum and there was a Mo Willems installation. We got to see a bunch of great art from Mo as well as a fun video telling us a bit more about him. We had a fantastic time. On the way there Eva played with my iPad and the Mo Willems: Mo on the Go App (App was prodived to us for review). This app is pretty fantastic. Allison has admitted to playing Dream Drive often. Dream Drive is all about letting that Pigeon drive the bus to pick up all of the little chicks and avoid the mad cow. Believe me, it is fun and funny.