Photo-A-Day #4542
Wonder Workshop saw my post about Coding Toys, Games and apps for Kids over at the Toy Insider Parent Panel Blog and asked if I would like to review their new robots, Dot and Cue. I said yes and they sent me review units for each of the robots. Opinions of these robots are 100% my own.
After I agreed to do the review I was sent a ton of embargoed information that I can release to you today because today is the release of these new robots. Actually, Cue is brand new. Dot is the same one that was out before but with a new color scheme and this time comes as part of a Creativity Kit. I got a personal instruction on both robots from the CEO of Wonder Workshop, Vikas Gupta via a Google Hangout video chat! He was really cool and told me all about these great robots. I could not wait to play with them but would have to wait until around 3pm for them to arrive. I had just enough time to take each out of the box and that was about it. So the actual full on review of these toys will be on another day. However, I would like to provide you with some information so that you can decide if these toys are right for your kids and I would encourage you to place an early order since they will most likely be very popular and scarce once the holidays roll around. Continue reading Wonder Workshop Launched the DOT Creativity Kit And A Brand New Robot, CUE, Today!