Tag Archives: Family Time

Family Day at Tougas Family Farm

Photo-A-Day #3111

Instead of waiting around all day wringing my hands over some Skylanders deliveries that would never come we decided to go to Tougas Family Farm to pick apples. We caught up with my sister Shelby and my nephew Dylan. We had a very nice time all of us. We picked so many different varieties of apples and played in the play area, got to pet some goats and bought some extra goodies to take home, like Apple cider Donuts and Kettle Corn. Here are some photos from the day.

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Pirate Antics at Annual Company Picnic

Photo-A-Day #2683

Today was the annual company picnic. I am fortunate that I work for a company that still does a company picnic. With over 3,000 employees this is a very big deal. I’ve been with the company for ten years and have gone to all but one of the picnics in that time. This was Eva’s 4th picnic and Andrew’s 1st. I think that they both had a really fun time. Eva’s highlights were the temporary tattoos, the pirate ship and mining for gems. For Andrew it was the Extreme Raptor show. He stood on my lap and was mesmerized by the birds flying around the tent. His head followed them all over the place. I thought that Eva would love it too but she had her nose in the Smokey The Bear comic book (I take full responsibility for her enjoying comics) Continue reading Pirate Antics at Annual Company Picnic